
Reborn:The New Acrobeleno Ch.2

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“Yawn…” went Tsuna, as his eyes opened up. He was a bit groggy from his nap, and he reached out to scratch his stomach…only to find a big glob of flesh in its place. “Huh?!!!” he went, waking up fully, hitting his head against some bars. “Ow…what in the…?” asked Tsuna, before remembering everything. “Oh right…” said Tsuna, realizing he was in a giant crib, his tubby body clad in only a yellow diaper.

It had been a few days since Viper’s inference with the Acrobeleno Pacifiers. It turned him and all the other Acrobeleno into their regular older forms, and rendered the pacifiers useless on them. The only choice they had was to pass on the pacifiers to new holders who the pacifiers would accept to act as replacements until the matter could be fixed. However, somehow Viper had changed the curse of the pacifiers to instead of turning people into intelligent babies to instead become literal big babies.

“Ugh…ugh…” went Tsuna, trying to work his fat fingers onto the lock. However, they were too chubby and the mannerisms the pacifier was giving him were making it harder. “Fine…mom!!!”

“Coming!” smiled Tsuna’s mother, Nana Sawada, as she came into the room. She unlocked the crib and helped Tsuna onto the ground. He had a little trouble keeping his balance with his large weight and the fact the pacifier made his legs feel like jelly. “You don’t have to walk you know. Doctor Borean say it is alright for you to crawl,”

“Borean…right…” said Tsuna, going onto his hands and knees, feeling his fat belly against the ground. He knew Borean was really the older Reborn who made up that whole story about the “condition” Tsuna and his friends had to convince his mom. He could feel a crawling onto his shoulder and looked to see Leon, Reborn’s chameleon, who was Tsuna’s for the time being. It was then Tsuna noticed something odd. “Um…mom?”

“Oh? You’ve noticed…” said Tsuna’s mom, “I’ve put on a little weight…” Her hips looked a little wider and some plush had been added to her butt and stomach. “It’s just that nice I-Pin and Tobias make such good food. It’s weird that she has the same name as our I-Pin who the older one says has gone home to visit relatives in Hong Kong,”

“Mom will believe anything…” thought Tsuna with a sigh as he followed her into the kitchen, which had several bowls on the ground with many cats eating from them.

“There you all go,” smiled Tobias, the caretaker that was sent to watch Tsuna, as he filled up a bowl surrounded by meowing cats. He was an elite assassin in the Vongola familia and was known to be able to communicate with cats he trained in Morse code (through meowing and purring).

“These cats must cost a lot to feed,” said Nana.

“Not if you know to how to budget properly and buy right. Plus they can feed themselves when they go hunting,” said Tobias, before seeing Tsuna. “And how’s little Tsuna doing?”

“Ha, ha…that joke never gets old,” said Tsuna sarcastically before someone even larger than him with soft and plushy, but quite strong arms lifted him up.

“I bet you’re hungry, Tsuna,” smiled I-Pin, the fat girl from the future squeezing Tsuna into a high chair.

Tsuna’s stomach rumbled and he just blushed, “I guess so…”

“I’ve made some good food that will fill you up right,” smiled I-Pin, squeezing the shelf around Tsuna’s wide waistline. She then waddled over to the counter and took a tray of food which she placed in front of Tsuna.

“What the?” asked Tsuna, seeing what he was being served. It was a huge bowl of noodles, extra-softened, a large baby bottle of chocolate milk, and a bowl of ice cream for dessert. “Not that I don’t appreciate this, but…”

“Oh yes,” said Tobias, after Nana had left the room. “Reborn said he doesn’t know what a drop in weight may do to you or the others so he recommended you keep your weight up until further notice,”

“Well, its not like I’ll slim down quickly anyway…” sighed Tsuna, before he began to eat. However, his attempts were quite clumsy, with food ending up on his chin, cheeks, neck, and chest. “Oh great…now I can’t even feed myself,”

“Then I’ll eat it!” laughed Lambo, hopping onto the shelf.

“Cat Crew…,” said Tobias, before the cats hissed and attacked Lambo. They clawed and bit the tiny clumsy Mafioso, who desperately reached into his hair.

“Hey! Where’s all my grenades? My guns! My weapons!” went Lambo.

“We have a baby in the house,” said I-Pin, putting up a pair of chairs for her large butt to sit on in front of Tsuna. “Tobias took them all out while you were sleeping,”

“AHHHHH!!!” went Lambo, as the cats carried him away.

“Now open wide, Little Tsuna,” cooed I-Pin, holding a small piece of noodles between a pair of chopsticks.

“I can…” began Tsuna, before he could taste the piece of noodles fed to him. It actually felt kind of good to be fed. “Well…I guess I’ll just end up more of a mess,”

“That’s a good boy!” smiled I-Pin, before she took the bottle and held it to Tsuna’s mouth, letting him suckle a bit from it. Tsuna couldn’t deny the relaxing and quite pleasant feeling of being fed that delicious cold milk as it flowed down his vanishing neck. I-Pin alternated between feeding Tsuna noodles and bottle-feeding him milk. Once both were cleared, Tsuna happily opened his mouth as I-Pin spoon fed him the ice cream.

“Mmm…chocolate and peanut butter with vanilla flakes…” thought Tsuna, feeling his diaper tightening a little.

“Oh, got a little on your…” began I-Pin, as she took a napkin and put it to Tsuna’s cheek, wiping the ice cream off. “There we go. All gone,”

“Ah…really?” asked Tsuna, before he noticed how messy he was. “Guess I need a bath,”

“You won’t fit in the one upstairs,” said Tobias, “We’ll have to take you out,”

“Wait! To a public bath?!!!” went Tsuna, getting nervous.

“No, of course not,” said Tobias, “The cats and I dug a outdoor bath in your yard,”

“Wait? They dug?” asked Tsuna, looking to the many cats that were around.

“Oh yes. You wouldn’t believe how good they are together as a team,” smiled Tobias.
“Oh…this isn’t too bad,” said Tsuna, as he soaked in the refreshing water that filled the dug in pool. He looked to see a high fence that wasn’t there the other day.

“I also had this built,” smiled Tobias, getting in as well. He had an average built, not fat or skinny, and several scars on his body.

“Wow…is there anything you can’t…?” began Tsuna, before he saw the scars. “Where’d you get those?”

“Just things you tend to get as an assassin,” said Tobias, “Now hold still. You don’t want this shampoo in your eyes, now do you?”

Tsuna sighed as Tobias rubbed the shampoo through his hair.

“I can do this myself…” said Tsuna.

“Like feeding yourself?” asked Tobias.

“Ok…ok…” sighed Tsuna, “I just wish I didn’t have to crawl around,”

“Well…I can help you with that,” said Tobias, “If you just train your body, you should remain strong,”

“Guess I could do that,” said Tsuna, “But I’d have to keep eating to keep my size up,”

“Right,” said Tobias, helping with washing off some dried up food clumps.

“Uh…Tobias? Can I let you in on a secret?” asked Tsuna.

Tobias smiled, “Sure thing, boss,”

“…I think…I…kind of like being fat and treated like a baby,” said Tsuna, blushing.

“Really?” asked Tobias.

“Well…I just feel so soft and big…I thought it was a hindrance…but lately…it just feels so good,” said Tsuna, “I used to have trouble sleeping…but on my fat stomach…I just drift away,”

“Not to mention you’re usually stuffed silly,” chuckled Tobias.

“I guess the baby part…I’m just used to being treated like dirt, its kind of a nice change,” said Tsuna, as Tobias poured some water on his head.

“High school’s not easy for anybody. Some thrive by making others feel worst,” explained Tobias, “I know I didn’t enjoy high school,”

“What? They didn’t let you bring your pets in?” joked Tsuna.

“Ha, ha. No, the guys knew they weren’t allowed. But I always was able to see them during lunch and after class,” smiled Tobias with a laugh. “Well, you’re all cleaned up,” said Tobias, helping Tsuna out. He slipped a yellow diaper onto Tsuna’s great girth of a rear. “Now then, let’s take care of your studies,”

“Aw…do we have to?” asked Tsuna.

“You can’t skip your education, Boss. But I’ll call your friends and you can study together,” smiled Tobias.

“Ok,” said Tsuna with a smile.
“Don’t worry, Boss! We’ll get this done in no time!” shouted Gokudera, sitting next to Tsuna. Next to Tsuna on the other side was Haru, who was swooning over Tsuna as usual. Kyoko sat across from Tsuna with Yamamoto and Bianchi at her tubby sides. Leon, Phantasm, Skull, and Collonello’s eagle were sitting quietly on their temporary masters’ heads.

“Oh, there’s two more coming over,” said Tobias,  “They’re your friends, Chrome and Hibari,”

“Hibari?!!!” shouted Tsuna, worried since he knew what the violent, no nonsense-Hibari was like.

“Oh yes. And your friend, Chrome…” began Tobias.

“Yoo-hoo! Boss!”

Tsuna gulped, before his eyes widened at what he saw. “Chrome?!!!”

“Oh, you’re wearing one of the Pacifiers too?” asked Chrome, the once skinny eye patched girl now quite tubby with a bright orange diaper, green top and an orange pacifier necklace around her neck. She was at least bigger than Tsuna and roughly the sizes of Haru and Kyoko, and nowhere as big as Bianchi. “Mukuro was a bit skeptic, but I was happy to help,”

“Oh…so what about…?” asked Tsuna, before his eyes widened even more. “Hibari?!!!”

“I’ve been sick…” said Hibari, not quite the person the group remembered him to be. He was quite fat now, even bigger than Tsuna in every proportion. His prefect uniform was stretched out completely with his large stomach showing out of his shirt and his butt looking look like someone shoved monster watermelons into his pants. Hibari even had large man breasts that rivaled the sizes of the original sized Bianchi’s.

“Wow…when something happens to Hibari…it’s always extreme,” thought Tsuna, as Hibari sat his enormity down.

“Eh…I’ll lose weight if I have to. This just makes me harder to take down,” said Hibari, as ice-cold as always.

“Well, I’ll go make something to eat. You all start reading the books I laid out for you,” said Tobias, leaving. He was preparing something to eat when a cat hopped onto the counter and meowed in code. “What?!!!”

The cat meowed in more code, before Tobias looked to the group.

“With the power shift…I should have suspected they’d make a move,” said Tobias.
“So those are the guys who hold them now?” asked a fat figure, sitting on a shady rooftop. Next to him was a Shiba Inu, panting as he sat.

“Yeah…” said another fat figure, some kind of snake coiled around his eyes in a figure eight fashion.

“Do they look tough?” asked the first figure.

“Hmm…from the reports, two of them look weak. The biggest one looks like she could be tricky, but the others could pose a problem,” said the second.

“Well, it’ll still be easier to get the Pacifiers from them than the original Acrobeleno,” said the second figure.

“Indeed. Before long, we’ll have all fourteen of Barose’s creations,” said the first figure, holding a lolite pacifier that was worn around his neck. His other hand was petting his dog.

“Heh, heh, heh…won’t that be a treat?” asked the other figure, wearing an emerald pacifier.
“Thanks Gokudera. Looks like you still have your genius,” said Chrome, after Gokudera helped her solve a difficult problem.

“Hey. I have to keep smart if I’m going to help the boss,” scowled Gokudera to Chrome.




“I’ll get it!” shouted I-Pin, waddling to the phone. She picked it up and answered, “Hello?” I-Pin heard the voice and said, “Tsuna, it’s for you,”

“Hello?” asked Tsuna, as I-Pin held the phone to his ear.

“Hello Tsuna,”

“Reborn?” asked Tsuna.

“Yep. We’re back in Italy, and we’re looking for Tobias’s grandfather, Tobias XI. Unfortunately, Viper got away, so we have to look for him too. May take a little longer than we thought,”

Tsuna sighed, “Fine…but I can’t keep this up forever,”

“Don’t worry. We original Acrobeleno know the Pacifiers will be better protected by us,”

“I’m going to go see if Tobias has any more of those cookies,” smiled Kyoko, lifting her big diapered butt up.

“I’ll go too,” said Haru, following. “I’ll bring some for you, Tsuna,”

“Uh…ok…” said Tsuna, a bit hypnotized by the jiggling fat that was on Kyoko’s large butt. “Wait a minute, better protected? Just out of curiosity, why exactly do the Pacifiers need to be protected?”


Tsuna’s eyes nearly bugged out when he saw a gigantic wheel burst into the living room.

“What the?!!!” shouted Tsuna, as the wheel chased after him. His legs were still a bit weak.

“I’ll save you boss!” shouted Gokudera, but he was a bit unbalanced as well. It was then Hibari out of nowhere lifted Tsuna up himself.

“Hibari?!!” went Tsuna, as Hibari carried him outside.

“If you die, Reborn won’t come back…and I won’t get to fight him…” answered Hibari, before the two of them, Chrome, Gokudera, and Yamamoto were outside. The wheel smashed through another wall outside.

“What a weird design!!!” thought Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Chrome, noticing the wheel looked one of those pull and spin toys that made sounds.

“More for me,” said Bianchi, still sitting there as she ate the others’ shares of snacks.

“Don’t worry, I can stop it!” shouted Gokudera, annoyed that Tsuna was saved by Hibari instead of himself. He reached into his diaper and took out dynamite, one stick between each finger. Gokudera heaved them into the wheel, causing an explosion. However, from the smoke emerged an undamaged wheel.

“Man, what is that thing made of?” asked Yamamoto, confused, before dodging the wheel himself. As he was an expert athlete, his weight did not bother him like the others.

“We don’t have much room to run here,” said Chrome.

“How can we stop this thing?!!!” shouted Tsuna, gulping before they heard a click of a gun.

“Oh yes. Reborn has also authorized me the usage of the Vongola Familia bullets,” smiled Tobias, pointing a gun at Tsuna. He fired and the bullet hit directly onto Tsuna’s forehead.

As Tsuna fell back, feeling the cold reach of death coming for him, thoughts came into his mind.

“If only I could have stopped that wheel…if I would live, I would stop that wheel with all my might!!!” thought Tsuna, his fat body hitting the ground. It laid there quietly, before a flame flashed and burned brightly on his forehead, causing his eyes to open. They were now bright orange instead of their usual color. “REBORN!!! I WILL STOP THAT WHEEL WITH DEATHPERATION!!!”

Tsuna stomped onto the ground, his additional strength obvious when it shook violently. The wheel spun for Tsuna, who showed no fear and held out his hands, catching it. The wheel tried to spin itself free, giving Tsuna some difficulty.

“Not to worry,” smiled Tobias, loading his gun with some strange bullets. He shot multiple times, hitting Tsuna’s stomach, butt, hips, and thighs.

“What the?” asked Gokudera, noticing Tsuna seemed alright.

“Watch,” explained Tobias, before to their surprise, Tsuna started to grow bigger! His stomach swelled until it touched the ground, followed shortly by his butt, the diaper amazingly staying on. Tsuna’s thighs swelled until they not only touched, they oozed. The future mafia boss continued growing and growing until he reached nearly half a ton. Now with his added size, the wheel could not make him move.

“What the heck were those bullets?” asked Chrome.

Tobias smiled, “My own creation: The Swelling Bullets. Instead of wounding or even killing, they stimulate fat cells in the regions they’re shot in. Depending on its usage, it could be used to aid or incapacitate,”

“Well, the boss has it down! Let’s get rid of it!” shouted Gokudera, throwing his bombs again. Now that the wheel was still, the centrifugal force would not protect it, causing it to crack slightly.
“My turn!” shouted Chrome, her trident appearing formed from the illusions she inherited from Mukuro’s presence in her body. She struck the ground, causing illusionary flames to strike the wheel, widening the cracks. Since the illusions were so powerful, they were almost real.

“And I’ll finish this off…” said Hibari, taking a pair of tonfa from his fat rolls. With one turn on his chubby leg, the wheel shattered into two.

“Wow…even fat, Hibari’s still scary…” thought Chrome.

It was then the flame burned out on Tsuna’s forehead, and his eyes back to normal.

“Huh? What the…?” began Tsuna, before seeing his enlarged self. “What happened to me?!!!”

“Don’t worry. The bullets I shot you with should wear out in a hour or so,” said Tobias.

“An hour?!!” shouted Tsuna.

“We have more pressure concerns here,” said Tobias, walking to the giant wheel’s halves. There was some kind of sphere-like cabin in the center, which opened to reveal a long, skinny furry creature.

“A ferret?” asked Gokudera, recognizing the creature that was poking its head out.

“One of the seven’s pets…” thought Tobias.

“How could something so small…?” began Yamamoto, before the ferret darted off like a rocket! It scurried off into the distance a manner of seconds.

Tobias then responded, “Well, that answers our question. Apparently, this ferret has some kind of super speed,”

“But a ferret wouldn’t have any motive to attack us,” said Gokudera.

“Not unless it was ordered to by its master,” said Tobias, “I guess now its time to explain things further,” He sat down on a nearby lawn chair that miraculously survived the rampage and explained, “You see…those Pacifiers are important because they hold special powers. And they’re sought by another group,”

The ferret zoomed into a room with its floor covered with some kind of foam, like found in nurseries.

“Ah, you’re back,” said a fat figure, one of the seven in a room. She picked up the ferret and cuddled it close to her squishy bosom, only covered up modestly by a bib and a ruby pacifier.

“So our attempt failed,” said another, with an emerald pacifier. His snake was stretched around his shoulders.

“We underestimated them,” said the figure with an iolite pacifier and a Shiba Inu laying nearby.  

“Nothing to be concerned. We will get the Acrobeleno Pacifiers,” said a shadowy fat girl, almost as big as the ruby pacifier girl, with a parakeet perched on her almost completely enveloped shoulder. She wore an amethyst pacifier which she was playing with by batting it with a chubby finger.

Another fat figure, wearing a topaz pacifier, then stated, “We need to be careful. Four of the new Acrobeleno are also holders of the Vongola Family Rings. And they defeated the notorious Varia in order to achieve them,” She pushed up her glasses as a bowl with a strange-looking goldfish with wing-like funs swimming inside rested on her big belly.

“You overestimate them. The original Acrobeleno in full are beyond the level of the Varia…and we are the Acrobeleno’s equals,” said a quite obese figure with a sapphire pacifier, a monkey upon his head.

The largest of the figures, looking about three times the sizes of the others, was in the middle, looking like he could not move. Resting upside down from a fat fold was a bat, its wings folded across itself.

“We will observe for now…then we will make a decision. I believe we’re all entitled for some naps right now. We’re getting cranky,” said the largest figure, wearing a Beryl pacifier.
“So who are these people after the Pacifiers?” blinked Tsuna.

“They call themselves the Gioellosette,” answered Tobias.

To Be Continued…
Part 2 of my New Acrobeleno Series!

Warning: If you do not like weight gain, mental age regression, and/or a combination of the two, then don't read on and just hit back and save everyone some trouble.

Tsuna becomes more comfortable with his new life as a literal big baby, but trouble is brewing for him and his fellow sit-ins for the Acrobeleno.

Now for anyone who reaches the end, Gioellesette is Italian for "Seven Jewels,"
© 2007 - 2024 TomPendragon
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Lokoko-space's avatar
um, not to be a bother, but Chrome has no organs, only illusionary ones.... um apparently my sister who has read all of the Reborn books to present date says that it is impossible for her to gain weight.... sorry about this, sorry.